
Header image apparatus
Header image Nittenau fire station
Header image HLF 20
Header image incident
Header image First Responder / rescue helicopter Christoph Regensburg
Header image apparatus
Header image TLF 16/24 Tr
Header image SCBA training
Header image DLK 23/12
Header image incident
Header image incident

Presentation of the VFD Bruck drone

The Bruck Fire Department presents its drone.

On 03/09/2023 we had "presentation and possibilities with a drone" on our training plan.
Our neighbor fire department of Bruck visited us and presented its drone concept for incidents.

At this point we would like to thank the VFD Bruck drone team for their outstanding and informative training.

Presentation of the VFD Bruck drone
Click on the image for viewing a photo gallery.