
Header image apparatus
Header image Nittenau fire station
Header image HLF 20
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Header image First Responder / rescue helicopter Christoph Regensburg
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Header image TLF 16/24 Tr
Header image SCBA training
Header image DLK 23/12
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Header image incident

Group session for the Children's Fire Brigade September 02 / 2023

Second group session for the "little ones".

On Saturday, September 2, 2023, we had the pleasure of welcoming 10 children despite the vacation season. After a brief recap of the topics from the previous group session, we delved into the theme of "Recovery Position" together, allowing each child to try it out under supervision. A few days later, we received pictures in which the entire family was placed in the "Recovery Position" for practice purposes.

At the second station, we gathered examples of "Good" and "Bad" fires, exploring the difference between them – namely, that we have control over one, and not the other! In the end, we all agreed that the best fire is probably found in a barbecue.

Between transitioning from one station to another, we demonstrated how a fire can start through glass and sunlight using a magnifying glass and some dry leaves. Always emphasizing how dangerous it can be.

To conclude, we had exciting balloon toss contests that sparked competitive duels between young and old. We're already looking forward to the next group meeting!

Recovery Position
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